If you’ve reached this page, quite clearly you have good taste. The chances are you’re a recipient of a James Good note, which means we like your style (almost as much as we like ours)

Now that we’ve got your attention, we’ll seek to explain what it’s all about.

What does the car you drive say about you? You’re successful? You have good taste? You’re not scared to flash a bit of cash? You have a passion for detail? It’s very likely that if you’re driving a decent car, you care about your image, and rightly so, as the outward projection of your identity, image is everything! 

James Good Limited is an experienced identity design agency and as such we understand the importance of an excellent brand identity. A brand is the personality of a business, the value-adding elements that exist on top of the service or product that you offer. The visual elements of a brand play an essential role in communicating the core values and essence of the company, enabling an emotional connection with a target market that can in time be developed into a lasting relationship.

Just as people judge you as an individual on the car you drive, the corporate identity of a business has a massive effect on a consumer’s feeling about the product or service on offer. If you look good, you’ll catch people’s attention, for the right reasons. We help our clients to communicate brand personality through intelligent design, enabling them to forge real connections with their target audience.

As well as demonstrating some of the points made above, we hope that this campaign will also tell you something about James Good Limited. We want you to see that we understand that every communication we put out there says something about who we are. You’ll probably also think that we’re a bit cocky - sorry - we are designers, after all. But hopefully you can also see that we’re enthusiastic, we’re on a mission and we’re highly committed to succeeding.

Now, we’ve not held back on telling you what we think. If you want to tell us what you think of us, please feel free to leave a comment here. If you’d like to discuss James Good Limited’s identity design or website development services, why not get in touch to arrange to meet the people behind the notes. We’d love to meet the person we deemed note-worthy.