A client (who shall remain anonymous due to their watertight confidentiality agreement!) approached us recently in need of an injection of creativity into their marketing plan. The client was due to exhibit at a trade show and needed something to entice passers by and encourage interaction with the brand. 

Ever fond of a challenge, we decided that now was the time to develop our very first app (after all, we were given a full two weeks to come up with something: plenty of time!). Sadly we can’t showcase the app itself, you’ll just have to take our word for its brilliance!

The app asked visitors a series of questions, and based on the responses, generated a completely customised graphical profile for each respondent, drawing attention to potential strengths and weaknesses.

After recording the respondent's email address, the app generated a custom email with tailored advice on how best to overcome the potential issues.

Not only were people attending the event exposed to our client’s brand; they got a real taste of the services on offer, left their valuable email addresses, and received some useful information directly to their inbox in return; all this happened without any manual processing. Everyone’s 'appy!

"We walked away from the show with plenty of strong leads - the app was certainly contributory to this positive result."

'Appy Client